Case Studies

case studies

We know it for a fact, that any company's and business grade of success (or failure) can be measured via the data analysis.

In our case, the case studies of our high-end clients, just as well as our performance statistics over the past few decades prove us right.

For all the years, throughout both the Great Recession and other crises, we were able to project the right investment options, always!

Zohari Leasing

Zohari Leasing Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Centum Investment Company Limited. Centum Investment Company Limited and is the leading investment company in East and Central Africa.

Platinum Credit

Platinum Credit Limited is a Micro-Finance Company. The company, was founded in 2003 with an end goal to provide emergency loans to Civil Servants.


This company is an Open Stack OS developer that has an appliance model of product for private computer clouding, which means it is a top player in IT industry…

Adaptive Computing

Adaptive Computing’s award-winning Moab optimization and scheduling softwar is applied for many of the world’s largest private/hybrid cloud and technical computing environments.


Apperian is a mobile application management (MAM) company. They offer enterprise mobility services that enable many of the world’s largest corporations to securely manage the full lifecycle of mobile apps

Alien Vault

AlienVault excels at providing of Unified Security Management™ solutions and crowd-sourced threat intelligence for mid-size organizations, just as well as corporate giants.

Ark Inc. is a search engine enabling users to search for old classmates, new business contacts, and friends. Their mobile email client, Ark Mail, consolidates social info.

Bright Edge

BrightEdge Technologies, Inc. is an enterprise SEO company for global digital marketing. They enable marketing professionals to join forces and optimize content as measured by conversions.

Urban Airship

Urban Airship, Inc. is a developer of push messaging services. Their solutions enable brands to strengthen relationships with their always-connected customers.

View Sonic

ViewSonig Corporation is a leading global provider of visual technology, including computer displays, projectors, and the latest in SuperPDA, Tablet PC and HDTV technology.

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